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Applying acupuncture needles

Acupuncture in Burlington

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method used to encourage natural healing, reduce or relieve pain, and improve function in affected areas of the body. It’s often successfully used as an alternative to medication or even surgery. Relief may be obtained when traditional medical therapies have failed.

The process involves the insertion of very fine needles through the skin and tissues at specific points on the body. No substance is injected, and the treatment itself causes minimal discomfort. Endorphin levels are elevated, increasing circulation and initiating an immune response to target the cause of discomfort and pain.

Contemporary Acupuncture

Contemporary acupuncture is a biomedical adaptation of Chinese acupuncture methods based on current concepts of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and pathophysiology. As in the traditional process, needles are inserted at relevant points on the body in combination with manual or electrical needle stimulation. A diagnosis is made by thorough history taking and physical examination. Based on this process, anatomical points relevant to the condition are selected for needling.

The scientific explanation is that needling certain points in the body stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. These chemicals change the experience of pain, or trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones to influence the body’s own internal regulating system. The improved energy and biochemical balance produced stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities by promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Many results are seen by stimulating nerve receptors in skin and muscle. Various substances are released, causing an increase in local blood flow that encourages tissue healing. Here are some benefits our patients have seen:

  • Helps reduce pain locally, where the needles are inserted, and throughout the body
  • Has a calming effect and produces well-being
  • Deactivates myofascial trigger points
  • Stimulates chemical production in the brain
  • Effects are cumulative

What Is Electro-Acupuncture?

The inserted needles are electrically stimulated at various frequencies and voltages by attachment to a battery-powered machine using wires with small clips on the ends. Low frequency stimulation (2-4 Hz) results in a slow onset of pain relief that may last for hours or even days. High frequency stimulation (80-200 Hz) results in a pain-blocking effect that’s fast, but not lasting. The benefits of electro-acupuncture may include, but are not limited to

  • Pain relief
  • Decreased swelling
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Breaking down scar tissue
  • Pain modulation and endorphin release
  • Changes in autonomic nervous system activity (vasomotor tone, cardiac rhythm, peristalsis etc.)
  • Diverse neuroendocrine and immune responses
  • General relaxation
  • Feeling of psychophysical well-being
  • Improved sleep
  • Nausea relief during chemotherapy

Experience the Difference

Acupuncture treatment might provide the answers you have been looking for. Contact The Healing Path Chiropractic and Wellness Centre today to learn more.

Acupuncture Burlington Ontario | (905) 333-9900